In the middle of the night on January 2nd, 2024, a devastating fire occurred in the Ore House leaving the entire interior of the restaurant covered in smoke and ash.
We are forever grateful to the Durango Fire Department as well as the person who reported the smoke. Without their efforts things could have been much worse.
The smoke has damaged every corner of the restaurant requiring us to be closed for a comprehensive renovation. The timeframe to complete the work has yet to be determined.
We are grateful for the outpouring of concern that we have received, but before anybody begins to worry, know that our team has the grit and determination to find our way through this. We have no doubt that we will come out the other side better than ever!
Status Update 2/14/2024
Metaphorically we are knee deep in ashes right now. While we had all hoped that the losses and damage caused by the fire were minimal, we have had to accept the reality that almost everything in the restaurant is gone. We are doing our best to salvage what we can - including the artwork which was heavily damaged by smoke. We have sought out the best art restoration company in Colorado and they are going to do everything they can to clean and repair every piece possible.
On the bright side, our team is still intact and we are in the midst of organizing ourselves to be able to get back to doing what we do best through a series of pop up dinners… stay tuned to our social media for more information about that.
In the interim we have so much work ahead of us to sort through and navigate what it is going to take to rebuild the restaurant. Because it is a very old building, we are taking precautionary steps to ensure that the safety and health of the teams of people working in the space are protected. If you drive by the restaurant you will notice a sign stating the presence of asbestos in the building. As alarming as that may seem, the signs are standard protocol required by the State of Colorado when doing demolition work after a fire. There are old building materials in the restaurant that have asbestos in them which are safe when left undisturbed. However, as soon as these materials are disturbed by demolition they can become an issue which is why the signs are in place. The asbestos abatement process may take many weeks to complete.
At this time we do not know how long it will be until the restaurant will be able to re-open, when talking with various professional contractors, we are currently under the impression that it will take at least one year…
How Can You Help?
The ripple effect of a fire is so much greater than any of us could have imagined, it goes beyond our staff, neighbors, and family. With that said, community is everything.
Knowing where our food comes from and even more importantly, knowing the hands that bring the food from the earth to our restaurant, is one of many things that remains of utmost importance to us.
It has always been one of our goals to represent our community through food and beverage. Therefore, in this moment, a meaningful way you can help is by continuing to purchase goods from the many farmers, ranchers, distillers, winemakers, and brewers that are near and dear to us.
291 Distillery
A.D. Laws
Bellow Farm
Bow and Arrow Ranch
Bread Bakery
Cream Bean Berry
Cross Creek Premium Meats
Desert Sun Coffee Roasters
Fox Fire Farms
Humble Fungi
James Ranch